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The Emotionally Abusive Husband

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1. Description & Praise
2. Table of Contents

1. Description & Praise
In this her second book in the Overcoming Emotional Abuse series, Dr. Anne Dryburgh provides a practical and thoroughly biblical resource to use when counseling Christian women who are being treated in an emotionally abusive manner by their husbands. Questions have been added at the end of the first three chapters and are designed for the emotionally abused woman as she seeks to know the Lord and apply the principles suggested in the book. Those counselling such women will also find the questions helpful.

From the Foreword
'The Emotionally Abusive Husband' is a tremendous, short book that reveals the depravity of man in a marriage relationship that has gone bad, but gives the hope of the Gospel that Christ can save us from our sins and transform our lives! Recently, this book had been used mightily in my family's lives. Thank you, Dr Dryburgh, for another compelling work! - Johnny Touchet, pastor and missionary, and founder of Partner 10:15 ministries

What this book is not

A word of caution is necessary. Abusive situations are gravely serious. While insights have been suggested in this book, it is not the definitive answer about how to help abused women. It touches on subjects that are tremendously complicated and where time is needed to address these areas in an in-depth manner to be able to effectively help people. Well-intentioned but unwise advice can cause suffering and damage lives. Wisdom and insight are required on a case-by-case basis. There are no standard cut-and-dried answers, as someone said, 'one size does not fit all.'

Editorial Reviews
Well-balanced, biblically sound, and user-friendly. A practical tool that avoids extremes to determine the possible status of abuse. Every biblically oriented counselor needs to have this book available. Anne provides direction to further additional dependable biblical resources to assist with addressing the issue of abuse - Dr. Howard Eyrich

Anne addresses one of the most overlooked sin issues in her book and uses her vast experience in discipleship and biblical counseling to minister to women broken by emotionally abusive marriages. The book is designed to provide biblical insights for women who are struggling in emotionally abusive relationships and for the churches that want to help them...I look forward to using this book with my counselees - Shannon Kay McCoy, MABC, ACBC
Emotional abuse can often seem to be a vague concept, but in her book, Anne gives a clear definition and description. She also provides specific ways for the victim to understand what's happening and how to respond biblically. Anne also describes how the church can counsel and intervene in ways that are compassionate and helpful - both to the wife who's being abused and to the husband in a way that offers opportunity for repentance and change. A very helpful book for biblical counselors - Don Roy, D.Min Training Center Director

Here is a resource that seeks to restore dignity to abused women through total immersion in relevant scriptural truths. 'The Emotionally Abusive Husband' is an easy and essential read for those wanting to walk alongside wives who have been abused. I love how Anne helps the reader see that courageously changing the way a woman thinks about and responds to the abuse of her husband provides a potential opportunity for his dignity and worth to also be restored - Jane Kratz, Pastoral Care Counsellor

 People present us with many challenging situations. All of which require a theological understanding and applying biblical wisdom. The unloving and ungodly interaction between husband and wife is no exception and I am thankful for Anne providing us with a much-needed resource for helping us navigate this especially challenging situation in a God-glorifying way - Dr Andrew D. Rogers

Helping women in abusive situations is one of the responsibilities of the local church. As Christians, we need to be equipped to know how to help. It was helpful to read a female perspective on an issue where husbands, church leaders, and brothers in Christ, need to do so much more. This book is an excellent resource to think through the subject Biblically, so that we can be better informed and more fully equipped to offer God-honoring support - Alasdair McPherson, Bible teacher

2. Table of Contents
Also by Anne Dryburgh
About Anne
What is Emotional Abuse - What it is
Emotional Abuse Expressed and Experienced
God's Design for Marriage
Living in Christ
Church Involvement
Closing Thoughts
End Notes
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