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Summary of the book "The Stock Exchange ......Facts and Illusions"

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What is meant by the stock exchange?What are the types of the stock exchange?What is the stock exchange index? What is the importance of the stock exchange in economic activity?What is meant by shares?What is meant by bonds?Why do people lose their money on the stock exchange?What is the reality of the stock exchange?What are the special rules that the financial markets follow?

You will find the answers to the above questions in the Summary of the book "The Stock Exchange ......Facts and Illusions"
Author: Rajab Abu Dabbous

This book deals with the heart of the modern economy, namely the financial markets, which are the artery of the economy and at the heart of which are the stock exchanges, especially the stock and bond market, which has long been one of the most important strongholds of the financial crises that paralyzed the world economy starting from the Great Depression of 1929, through the Asian Tigers crisis of 1997, and ending with the global financial crisis of 2008, and all these and other crises have resulted from a number of malpractices and weak governance rules, which the author referred to in the folds of this book, in addition to He discussed this false propaganda about the contribution of the stock exchange in its current state to the financing of the economy, which can be said that this information contained in this book is rarely found in another book.

For whom is this book?
For those interested in economics.
For those who want to get acquainted with the capital markets.
For investors and owners of capital surpluses.
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