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The Amazing Birds Bundle: 5 eBooks + Audiobooks + Paperbacks $49

Get the Amazing Birds Bundle: 5 eBooks + Audiobooks, including Chickens, Ducks, Turkeys, Owls and Flamingos



Get all of the above PLUS Paperbacks for $49 + Shipping & Handling (US only; contact us if shipping your address is in a different country)

Amazing Birds Bundle: 5 Ebooks + Audiobooks


Amazing Birds Bundle: 5 Ebooks + Audiobooks + Paperbacks


** It is never too early--or too late--to learn more about animals and discover their deeply hidden secrets. **

Are birds and dinosaurs related? Why do ducks eat rocks? Why are birds' eggs oval and not round? Should chickens have rights? Learn answers to all these questions, and so many more! Your kids will have hours of fun and can test their knowledge immediately with quizzes, word searches, crossword puzzles, coloring pages, and more! Test your knowledge Plus, you'll become an expert on ecology, protecting biodiversity, and fighting climate change. This knowledge will empower your kids and you to become heroes for the animals!

Meet the Author!

Joanna Slodownik is fascinated by the amazing animals with whom we share this planet with us. She writes fiction and non-fiction books for children and adults that inspire, entertain and educate the readers of all ages. When she’s not writing and plotting her books and stories, she rides her bike around town, makes green smoothies and juices, and cooks delicious vegan meals for her family. During those activities, she constantly brainstorms ideas how to help the animals and the environment. Joanna's books contain content that goes straight to your heart, and may cause you to take actions with unforeseeable, long-lasting, life-changing CONSIDER YOURSELF WARNED!

Fun starts here:

Amazing Birds Bundle: 5 Ebooks + Audiobooks


Amazing Birds Bundle: 5 Ebooks + Audiobooks + Paperbacks
