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PGC Quarterly Planner™ - Staying on Target

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Looking to staying organized and achieving your quarterly business goals. Take the steps to achieve greater success. You will be working at least 1800 hours in your business so why not make the most of those hours. Focus each week on getting at least three results that brings you closer to your annual goal. 

Use this printable template that fits onto a single page (8.5" x 11") so that you can see what needs to be done each quarter in your business. Plan out week by week for each of the three months and measure the success of your results. Combine this with our 30-Day Challenge each month to ensure you reach the best outcomes.

BONUS: Annual Planning Calendar - For the Big Picture

**Note: You will need MS Office, Open Office or Googlesheets to use the template
You will get a XLSX (59KB) file