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How to Control Fate through Suggestion

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The matter of these Essays has appeared in various journals and more especially in the “Suggester and Thinker”. It attracted considerable attention and won much appreciation from the first publication.

This volume contains the most important knowledge man can possess, i. e., knowledge of the Power to control his own Destiny. In his own life and that of many others, the author has seen the demonstration of this Power. The reader has only to follow the instructions herein laid down to reach the condition of realization.

The way is easy. Its principle is Truth. Its incentive is Love. Its result is Life "more abundantly." That there may be understanding, in Part I. the philosophy of Unity has been elucidated and verified by the Law of Vibration.

That this Principle of Unity and the Law of Vibration may be applied to daily thinking and living, in Part II the Principle of Suggestion is unfolded. This is an ever-present and an ever-active Principle. He who accepts, understands and applies it, attains mastery over all conditions. This principle is the basis of the many metaphysical movements of the day and, when intelligently obeyed, gives one all the power that any "healer" possesses.

That the reader may attain this power, methods of thinking and affirming are scattered through these pages. At the close, are affirmations for practice that all may, through a trained Will, learn "The Art of Living." The end and aim of the book is to help the reader to Self-Control. No perception of Truth ever gave man such Power as does this of Self-Suggestion, or, as we will term it, AFFIRMATION. It is the discovery that Thought is Force and that man can control, in its objective expression, this Infinite Sub- Conscious Life, which is the Real Man---the Ego--- and thus control Fate. All the mystery of the ancient and modern schools is cleared away from the subject and all the misconceptions of theology are avoided.

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