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Becoming UNGhostable. <br>The A.R.T. of Getting & Keeping People's Attention

This training will equip you with the tools you need to avoid being ghosted by potential customers and clients.

Why Take a Training on Ghosting?

Taking a training on ghosting is essential for anyone seeking to excel in their professional relationships and communications. Understanding the reasons behind ghosting and learning effective strategies to avoid it can significantly impact one's success in business interactions, particularly with potential clients.

Ghosting is one of those symptoms and circumstances that causes farrrr too many entrepreneurs to give up or lose energy in their business. The challenge with ghosting is that it doesn't always necessarily have to be eliminated fully... it just needs to be understood.

The aim for this training is to help you understand AND respond to the symptom of ghosting that will propel you forward in your business.

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What the Course Includes

Here are the amazing items that this training includes for a business owner who wants to learn how to not get ghosted by prospects:

  • 12 Engaging Lessons on Minimizing Ghosting in Sales and Business
  • Activities and Exercises that will minimize the Ghosting
  • [BONUS] Resources and Templates on how to build a Referral Network
  • [BONUS] ChatGPT AI Prompts that will generate content to support in Referral Development