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Pregnancy Relaxation

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The Pregnancy Relaxation Must-have that will start working on releasing any, and all fears from your subconscious mind, whilst building positive thoughts surrounding your birthing journey. When you listen to these relaxations, you are literally taking a step forward to reprogramme your mind!

These relaxations will keep your busy mind calm, whilst you take some much needed time out for you, and your baby. I recommend starting with the track Building your Positivity, and listening to this same track for a minimum of 21 days straight, because this is how long it can take to implant these positive suggestions into your subconscious mind.

The Relaxation Track Building Your Positivity is all about releasing any fears you have surrounding birth, and beginning to implant positive thoughts.

When you are ready, you can then move onto the Garden of Calm. This relaxation is all about restoring your calm, and energetic levels to help you feel more grounded than before. The Garden of Calm is a track that can be used come back to centre if you are feeling any anxiety.

Next up we have Activating the senses which is really helpful, especially if you struggle with visualisation, because what many people don't realise is that not everyone visualises in the same way, and this relaxation will help to prompt you and improve your visualisation techniques so that you can use this amazing technique with ease and flow on baby's birthing day.

We then have a powerful track which is all about Trusting your Instinct, something that many struggle with... this relaxation helps you become more in sync with your intuition, so that you are making a decision from deep within, and staying true to yourself.

Last but not least we have our Balancing your Chakras, which is a practice we don't realise that we need to do during pregnancy. Chakras are energetic centres that can have a massive impact on your pregnancy and birthing journey, and I would totally recommend listening to this relaxation at least a couple of times a week to restore your inner balance.

Take some time out and enjoy! x
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