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Deciding which subject to study

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Studying this eBook will help you to:

  • understand the differences between fine art and design
  • understand the day to day activities in such disciplines/careers
  • question how you like to work - self motivated or client motivated
  • realise the simliarities between some subject areas.

Portfolio Oomph is based in Scotland and the system here is that you apply straight from school for a 4 year degree at art college. In previous years the first year used to be a general course, similar to a foundation course. However, most colleges now require that you choose between Fine Art and Design and some are asking for a specific subject – right from the off. This can be a huge obstacle in getting into art school. It’s quite a difficult decision to make at this stage in your education especially if you’ve not been exposed to many of the subjects on offer.

But sometimes, even after doing an art foundation course you might still feel it’s difficult to decide which subject to apply for at art college.

So, we are here with this 5 page eBook to help iron out a few issues and to give you some points to consider whilst doing your research and making that decision. It’s also worth checking out our careers page, where at the bottom are some great links to descriptions of careers in the creative industries that are sure to help you.

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