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Sahel Province, Eritrea

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The Sahel belt is a large desert/savanna like climate spreading across Africa right under the Sahara desert. This map represents the part of Eritrea located on this belt.

Its primary feature is an airport located to the South of the map with a heliport as well as a small town. There are also 2 other areas which have buildings dotted around as well as a road system made out of gravel. It is perfect for breaching, training.

This map is 12k x 12k studs. The size and significant amount of parts may impact the client end experience in terms of lag so beware. The map utilizes ROBLOX's Streaming Enabled in order to curb the amount of chunks loaded & memory usage on the player.

This map can be used in any way you imagine; Warfare, Civilizations, flight sims. Use your imagination to come up with how you want to use this map.

You will get a RBXL (29MB) file

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