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Summary of the book "Rumors... The oldest media outlet in the world"

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How do rumors arise and what is their job, why do rumors spread and why do people believe them? Who is spreading rumors, who benefits from rumor mongering, are there any types of rumors, why are there so many rumors about celebrities?

You will find the answers to the most interesting questions in the Summary of the book "Rumors... The oldest media outlet in the world"
The Author: Jean Noyl Kabfryr

About the book 👍
The book takes us on an enjoyable tour that starts from the moment the rumor appears and its source, to its demise and the end of its role or eradication.
Who is this book 👍 for?
For those interested in knowing how rumors arise and those who carry them out.
For those looking to understand how rumors spread.
For those wishing to know the beneficiaries of the launch of rumors.
For those looking to know when the rumor goes away.
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