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Song Cards

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Song Cards are an interactive and educational tool for helping children to engage with music by encouraging them to identify, choose and learn the songs they love. These songs have been specifically selected from a wide range of children's music for the opporunities they offer to exlpore interesting places in our imagination while we learn an array of different musical skills. Some songs focus on rythm or using the body to create percussive sounds, others of developing our Te Reo Maori useage, and others on connecting with each other through song and circle dance. 

These cards are great for both interactive play, and solo play, they would be a great assest to any home or education centre. 

With this purchase you will recieve 12 printed and laminated Song Cards plus an Idea's Card for suggestions on how to use your Song Cards, and a title card. 

These cards are the first part of my upcoming educational series Music with Brooke

Each Song Card includes a picture, a title, and the lyrics of the song on the back. 

The Song Titles include:
1. Five little speckled frogs
2. Follow me to skipping land
3. Happy Birthday!/ Hari Huritau!
4. Here we go round the mulberry bush
5. In the jungle
6. Oats and beans and barley
7. Old Macdonald had a farm
8. Row, row, row your boat
9. The hokey tokey
10. The incy-wincy spider
11. The colours song
12. Twinkle, twinkle little star

These songs can all be readily found on the internet or music playing devices such as Spotify, and could be made into a playlist.