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STOP Teaching, KEEP the MONEY

Done with teaching, but afraid to leave because you're "in too deep" or you don't know what else you can do? Well, I'm here to show you the light at the end of the tunnel. In this course, you will learn the exact steps I took to retire from the teaching field, identify my true passion with NO PAYCUT and NO STRESS!

Back-to-School is great, but Back-to-PEACE is better.

I've been where you are...

Like you, I was an educator who felt all of the above and more. I then decided that I needed to put myself and my happiness first instead of last. So, I made the decision to exit the teaching field in pursuit of a higher, more fulfilling calling and I found it. I went through all the trials, tribulations and pitfalls so that you don't have to. I developed a simple method called C.R.A.F.T which represents the steps that I took to successfully leave teaching and make more money doing what I love.


Your time is too valuable. Don't waste anymore of it

Sure, you could Google "What to do after teaching?" but you wouldn't get the inside process, the "how-to", the accountability, the personal support or the vested interest of a fellow educator who really cares where you end up after you leave the teaching profession. In this course, you'll get the blueprint from point A to point B for educators who are done with teaching and need serious alternatives that stretch beyond the usual answers on the internet. The best part is, you won't have to do it alone, you'll have me right there with you to walk you through everything.

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per month for 2 months



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