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Habits That Make A Difference Starter eBook

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Get the Habits That Make A Difference Starter eBook get free. Learn how to make a difference in your life and those around you.

The Habits That Make A Difference Starter eBook is a free guide to help you begin building habits that will make a difference in your life. It'll show you how to create a simple framework for building new habits, how to overcome the most common obstacles that prevent people from making progress, and how to measure your progress so you can systematically improve.

This guide is meant to be used with A Good Habits Mastery Course. If you want more information about how habits work and how to use them to achieve your goals, then check out The A Good Habits Mastery Course!

Are you ready to make a difference?

There is a very good chance that your life has been negatively impacted by the habits of others, or even your own bad habits. It could be that you have been injured by someone else’s negligence or that you just don’t feel like yourself anymore due to the effects of poor health habits. Whatever the situation, it’s time for a change!

In this book we will take an honest look at some of the most common habits that can impact your quality of life as well as some of the most common reasons why people fail in their attempts to change these habits. We will also give you some practical tips on how to overcome these obstacles and create new positive habits in their place.

Note* This is the starter lite free version to get you started today!

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