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Satanists Rule Over Us [PDF]

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Conspiracy = Con [Together], Spiracy comes from Spiro [Spirit] it means to breath. Thus Conspiracy means to breathe together. This is the same as the word Fascist which comes from a bundle of sticks; the idea it is much harder to break a bunch than a single stick.

The aim of this book is to expose the Satanist’s and their long term plan. Many like International bankers have got very rich by fermenting wars, control of the drugs trade both illegal and pharmaceutical. They now control most of the media.

The illuminati was formed on May 1st – Beltane; the same day Communist’s celebrate. The illuminati has never gone away, it was a long term conspiracy to take control of the world. It wanted to destroy all religions and form a one world Government – A New World Order. This NWO will enslave people with totalitarianism in every country.

The Globalist Satanist’s have set up organisations like the CFR, BIIA, Bilderbergs, Tri-lateral Corporation, the United Nations and many other organisations to serve their evil agenda.

All countries will end up being communist with technology transferred to the poor ones, where they can exploit the workers more easily.

Was Saturn the original Sun?

Was ancient Saturn known as Sol, Kronos, Helios, Quetzalcoatl, Huracan, Atum-Ra etc?

Should those identities be attributed to another planet, plasma event or the actual Sun in our skies?

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