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  • FBT Ready
  • Physbones
  • GoGo Loco
  • SPS Lollipop
  • Skin Radial
  • Brightness/Grayscale Radial
  • 25+ Toggles
  • Green Opti

  • PC SPS
  • OPTI

  1. Use Creator Companion & create a Unity 22.3.22F1 project in CC
  2. ADD VRCFury (free and works with DPS/TPS) ONLY NEEDED FOR SPS VERSION
  3. ADD Modular Avatar (free - this is for the gun to work)
  4. Import 𝘗𝘰𝘪𝘺𝘰𝘮𝘪 Pro 𝘚𝘩𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 9.1.7+ ( NEED FOR PC AND OPTI)
  5. Import Avi Package
  6. Remove Blueprint ID (If Needed)
  7. Upload or Edit!
  8. In the case VRCFury prompts you to fix write defaults - do not choose the fix option, skip (otherwise this will break the avatar)


  • A special thank you to my pookie for being so patient, and motivating me to push through the various challenges I had with Zero ❤️

  • Zero's design was inspired by the countless public military avatars I've had the pleasure of using throughout my years on VRChat. A large part of this project was driven by my passion to deliver an avatar that truly fits the tactical theme. While, this is my first avatar and may have some rough patches here and there, to those that purchase Zero, I hope that I was able to deliver a quality product that you will enjoy and have confidence in to use in VR.

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