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The Intelligent Investor

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The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham is a classic text on value investing, providing timeless wisdom for navigating the stock market successfully. First published in 1949, this revised edition includes insightful commentary from financial journalist Jason Zweig that relates Graham's teachings to modern times. 

At 700 pages, The Intelligent Investor is a thorough guide to investing safely and profitably. Graham introduces core concepts like margin of safety, Mr. Market, and defensive versus enterprising investing. For Graham, success comes not from speculation but from patience, fundamental analysis, and discipline. He advocates viewing stocks as fractional ownerships in real businesses, buying only at a substantial discount to intrinsic value. While some details are dated, Graham's philosophy remains relevant today.

Notable chapters include "The Investor and Inflation," which discusses how to protect purchasing power. "The Defensive Investor" outlines a simple yet effective approach for passive investors. "Portfolio Policy for the Enterprising Investor" delves into valuation techniques. The classic "Mr. Market" metaphor teaches that markets fluctuate above and below true value, presenting opportunities for enterprising investors. 

No ebook better encapsulates Graham's emphasis on risk minimization via diversification, financial stability, and margin of safety. For investors determined to beat the market, The Intelligent Investor offers enduring and pragmatic advice. While a challenging read, it richly rewards those willing to master its teachings. The Intelligent Investor deserves its reputation as the stock market bible for value investors


1. What formats is the ebook available in?

The Intelligent Investor ebook is available in Kindle, iBooks, Nook, Kobo, and Google Play formats. It can be read on e-readers, tablets, phones, and computers through the respective ebook apps.

2. Does the ebook contain all the same content as the print edition? 

Yes, the ebook contains the full original text by Graham as well as all of Jason Zweig's revised commentary from the 2003 print edition. The ebook does not omit or abbreviate any content.

3. Are there any interactive features unique to the ebook?

The ebook allows bookmarking pages, highlighting passages, and searching for keywords. Some ebook versions may contain links to referenced external sources. However, there are no major interactive features beyond standard e-reading capabilities.

4. Is access to the ebook available indefinitely or temporarily?

When purchased, the ebook can be downloaded and accessed indefinitely. There is no limited lending period or expiration date on access like with library ebook checkouts.

5. What security is on the ebook version?

There is no DRM (digital rights management) on the ebook. However, retailer watermarking connects the book to the purchasing account. The ebook cannot be shared across multiple devices/accounts simultaneously in most cases..

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