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| Krista (3.0PhysBones&DPS;) |

On Sale
Added to cart

| |~3.0 SDK | |

| |~ NSFW avatar | |

| |~ DPS in 6 places! | |

| | ~ Phys bones! | |

| | ~ Marker | |

| | ~ Hue shifts : Hair,skintone,Outfit,Bikini,Eyes | |

| | ~ + fbx and scene | |

| | ~Full body ready! | |

| | ~Package include sdk and poi ! | |
Upload Instruction!

1.Upload DPS

2.Upload package!


|Body : Pandaabear#9873 |
|Body tex :Ying#6669 |
|Head : Cicieaaa#7777(my edit) |
|Eyes tex : kri#1214|
|Outfit : kri#1214|
|Hair 1 : teddymuffins (bakuuwu.#1703)|
| Hair 2 : Sivka#3788|
|Bikini : Hayweee#1999|
|Garter : Todeskändidat#6030|
| sleeves : rinebean#1111|
|mistletoe: teacake#0840 |
|Holiday Garland Boa : Oliver#8983|
|Marker : VRlabs |
|DPS: Ral |

You will get a UNITYPACKAGE (165MB) file