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Soorah az-Zumar: the 39th Chapter of the Noble Quran (Workbook)

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If you would like to purchase the paperback or hardcover print edition from Amazon, click here.

This is the PDF edition of the workbook for this year's Ramadhaan 1446 (2025) classes, a study of the amazing 39th chapter of the Quran, Soorah az-Zumar. Following last year’s precedent, we will maintain a similar focus and scope throughout the lessons and workbook this year, in shaa’ Allah, with 30 Tafseer lessons in total.


LIVE DAILY (VIDEO) BROADCASTS: Teacher's Patreon Channel


As you expect from us, we provide live daily sessions throughout the month of Ramadhaan, broadcast right from our beloved masjid in Pittsburgh, the First Muslim Mosque, in shaa' Allah. The high-quality MP3 recordings of our live classes remain available for those who could not attend, to listen in whenever that is easy. (Check out the easy visual guide on page 10, and on the back cover.)


Following last year’s precedent, this year's workbook also includes weekly quizzes and a final exam. After each week of lessons, you will have an opportunity to review and evaluate your understanding of that week's classes with a 10-question multiple-choice quiz, in shaa' Allah. Additionally, a 25-question comprehensive final exam is available.


The soorah opens with an important reminder about the greatest miracle granted to the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace), the revelation of the Noble Quran, a topic emphasized throughout the soorah. (See: Verses 23, 27-28, and 41.)

Then, we learn about many of the Names, Attributes and Actions of Allah through the first passages of the soorah, that He is al-‘Azeez (the Almighty), al-Hakeem (the All Wise and Authoritative), al-Waahid (the Uniquely Singular One), al-Qahhaar (the Ever Dominating One), al-Ghaffaar (the Oft Forgiving), who guides, judges, wills, and creates. We learn about what pleases and displeases Him, and that He shall inform people about their actions on the Day of Judgment. We are reminded about His Mercy, and how He answers the prayers of His creation when they call upon Him alone, even from people who have committed the blasphemy of polytheism. (See: Verses 3-9.)

Similar to other early Makkan chapters of the Quran, Soorah az-Zumar includes a heavy focus on the Hereafter, descriptions of the believers and disbelievers, as well as vivid descriptions of Paradise and the Hellfire. Taqwaa (piety) is heavily stressed throughout the soorah, and many individual applications are provided, wherein we learn about specific virtues to aspire for, as well as specific sins and bad manners to avoid.

If you would like to purchase the paperback or hardcover print edition from Amazon, click here.

You will get a PDF (7MB) file

Customer Reviews


Ummu A.

Verified Buyer

1 week ago

Simplified Study of Quran

Surah Az-Zumar Ramadhaan Lessons Workbook falls in line with previous Ramadhaan Lessons by Ustadh Abul Abbas Moosa Richardson by offering simplified Quran study that is based off of
the explanation of Imam As Sa'di, may Allah have mercy on him, ameen. The lessons are very clear and simple as Ustadh Moosa follows the style of Imam As Sa'di in following the original Quranic theme using parables, comparisons, and explanations in pairs.
May Allah bless this work, The Author, Imam As-Sa'di, their students, and make it a lasting benefit for the Muslims, Allahumma Ameen.


Verified Buyer

2 weeks ago

Such a benefit

Great benefit and well organized. Perfect companion workbook to the lectures.

Umm C.

Verified Buyer

3 weeks ago

May Allah bless it

I look forward to these workbooks each year. They give a better understanding of the Surah. When I hear an ayat afterwards I’m able to remember things from the lesson and workbook. May Allah bless all those involved and make it beneficial for the ummah Amin

Umm M.

Verified Buyer

3 weeks ago


Excellent workbook for Ramadan

Umm M.

Verified Buyer

3 weeks ago


Jazakallahu khairan

Avid R.

Verified Buyer

1 month ago

Always pleased with these Titles

Excellently prepared for the learning experience

Mujaahid Liam E.

Verified Buyer

1 month ago

A great learning opportunity

I can't wait to get into this in Ramadan. We've been following the series for a few years and look forward to this latest addition.

Umm M.

Verified Buyer

1 month ago

A Must-Have Ramadan Workbook: Clear, Structured & Full of Benefit!

It has been over five years in a row that we have been benefiting from the Ramadan Lessons published every year, and once again, this workbook does not disappoint! Alhamdulillaah!

As a digital creator myself, I truly understand the effort and time that goes into publications like these. May Allah reward Ustadh Moosaa Richardson and Bakkah Publications for their consistency in producing clear, structured, and easy-to-understand workbooks that make studying during Ramadan so beneficial.

This workbook is neatly organized for a structured study throughout the month. What makes it stand out even more is that the Tafseer is from our beloved Imaam As-Sa’di, whose approach is always teacher-friendly, full of wisdom, and easy to grasp. We love how Ustadh Moosaa explains the concepts so clearly, making it an excellent resource for learning, note-taking, and teaching.

There is so much benefit in this workbook, with immense rewards in shaa Allah. A wonderful Soorah, with a wonderful explanation by a wonderful teacher—perfect for this Ramadhaan! Get yours's today and benefit.