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Study the Bible like a Berean

One thing that I have noticed over the years is that there is a lack of biblical literacy. When mentoring or even in base conversations, a constant is that people have NO clue how to study the bible or apply it outside of hearing what their pastor says on Sundays.

So that is where this seminar comes in. Bible Bootcamp exists to provide biblical literacy and to help people learn how to study the bible with proper context.

What we cover

In this pre-recorded seminar, we will cover:

  • Bible Translations and what makes them different.
  • Bible Genres and why they are relevant.
  • Bible Study Methods.
  • And the every needed companion list, grab a look into my personal library.

This also includes the Bible Bootcamp Text, which has examples you can use to exercise your muscle for each section we cover in the seminar.

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per month for 2 months

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