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The Girl to Girl 7-Day Devotional: A Mother-Daughter Devotional for a Closer Relationship and Deeper Faith

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Attention all mothers and teen/pre-teen daughters!  Get this devotional for FREE by typing the word GIRL in the promo code box!

The Girl to Girl 7-Day Devotional will help you connect with each other in deeper ways and grow in your faith together!  This online devotional offers seven devotions and includes Scripture, commentaries by a mom and a pre-teen daughter, discussion questions, and even a section for journaling.  Unlike other mother-daughter devotionals, you'll encounter direct insights from a girl your age.  This devotional will help you talk about tricky issues, challenge you in your faith, and help you grow closer together as mother and daughter. 

We wrote the devotional with a focus on issues faced by girls ages 10-15, but the insights span beyond this age range.  Moms, you can use this devotional with younger daughters by offering additional explanations.  You will also find many insightful and challenging thoughts for older daughters.  In short, there is no age limit here!  Lastly, we’d like to note that you don’t need to be a mother-daughter pair to enjoy this devotional.  Women and girls of all ages can learn from these devotions and use them to draw near to God.    

We wrote this devotional to give you a taste of our print book Girl to Girl: 60 Mother-Daughter Devotions for a Closer Relationship and Deeper Faith.  If you enjoy this 7-day devotional, check out our print book on Amazon afterward!

Most of all, we pray these words bless you.  Our desire is to help moms and daughters grow in faith together!  Again, get this devotional for FREE by typing the word GIRL in the promo code box!


Bekah and Stacey Pardoe
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