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Death Note - After Dark [Edit/AMV] | Quick! [no episodes]

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• Hi, this is the project-file for the "Death Note - After Dark [Edit/AMV] | Quick!"

• Things you need before opening the file (Plugins, fonts, etc.) :
• Plugins: Sapphire plugin, RSMB, Magic Bullet Looks, Trapcode Suits, BCC-Plugin, Videocopilot, Twixtor, Optical Flares, Twitch, Deep Glow.
     • Font: Integral CF, Lemon Milk

• Software: Any version of After Effects (ex. 2020)

• DM me on Discord or Instagram for any issues or concerns with this Project-File!

• Discord: floby#0242
• Instagram: @floby.edit
You will get a RAR (5MB) file