The Dirty Old West - Roleplaying Game
It's a dangerous place. Outlaws, corrupt lawmen, vicious drunks, bounty hunters, card sharps, and savage Red Indians. Add in a few rattlesnakes and the occasional supernatural beast, and it's more likely than not that you will lose your scalp unless you're quick at emptying your sixgun first and worrying about who or what you killed, later. If you're that way inclined, that is; to worry.
Keep your powder dry and your Tomahawk sharp.
The Dirty Old West Roleplaying Game takes you back to the halcyon days of pen and paper games played with friends around a table. And also to a time when the measure of a man was largely determined by his personal skill with a weapon. All you need to play this game are a few six-sided dice, a couple of pencils, erasers and some paper.
The game mechanics are simple but effective as well as realistic, and only require six-sided dice. The rules are simple enough for a smart 10 year old to be able to deal with all the mechanics as long as some familiarity with roleplaying terms is already known. Acronyms such as:
DM - Die Modifier
PC - Player Character
NPC - Non-Player Character
1d6 - Notation for rolling a single six-sided die
2d6 - Notation for rolling two six sided dice and adding the result
2d6+3 - Notation for rolling two six-sided dice and adding the result together then adding 3
1d3 - Roll one six-sided dice, half it and then round the result up
are expected to be known. But hey, if you didn't know them before, you know them now! So what are you waiting for? Get some ammo and buy the game!
Also available in paper format at Amazon.