Caveman Theory - How to win at Sex, Love and Relationships During the Current Zombie Apocalypse
The Modern World wants you to be bitter, weak, miserable, and lonely. This book rejects that perspective and is about as politically incorrect as you will find, while not agreeing with PUAs, Red Pillers, MGTOW, or any of the various “Churchian” models of marriage, it presents empirically testable and observable realities in a direct manner. The intent within it is to lead men and women into positive, healthy relationships, demystifying the sexes to one another and getting rid of the lies that we have been taught about both. The ultimate aim being to be able to find that one relationship that can lead to a secure marriage that lasts a lifetime. While the book might be considered to be aimed mostly at men, it is a very useful tool for women too. The brutal truths about both men and women are identified within it, as are the strategies and knowledge to understand the underlying reasons for them and how to integrate them into a more wholesome and holistic approach to love, family and life in general.
Giuseppe Filotto, writes:
“Over the last 35 years I have had a handful of serious relationships for a total of some 25 years, that included the birth of my eldest daughter, two divorces and four abortions. In the few years between these more serious relationships, I had several dozen shorter interludes with women from all walks of life, of different religions, nationalities, and languages.
It would not be an exaggeration to say that in my pursuit of sex, love, relationships, and marriage, I have probably done all the mistakes it is possible to make.
As with my other non-fiction books, this is not some collation of theoretical ideas proposed by “relationship experts”, but rather, the summary of lessons learnt in the trenches of modern relationship attempts. Many of my male friends have been asking me to write a book of this type, for about 20 years, and especially after the Pick Up Artist and “Game” craze became notorious on the internet. I always resisted the temptation because I knew their prodding was mostly due to what they saw externally as “success with women” as I went through some years when I had a different pretty woman on my arm regularly, sometimes several of them in the space of a few days and other times some that lasted a few weeks or months. Personally though, I felt doing so would be a kind of fraud. While I clearly had mastered the ability to have women find me attractive enough to go to bed with, the search for that one that would make life worthwhile continued to elude me, even though it was ultimately what I had started out looking for originally, and after the many faces, dramas, and tornadoes of bodies I had been with, without any real hope of it left, was still what I was ideally wanting to find.
In this book, I try to provide you with all the lessons I learnt that finally got me to where I am now: On my third and final marriage, which is my belief will last until the end of our lives, a father of five (so far) despite having started late, as I am now 54 in 2024, and with a sense of women, love and relationships, that is quite different from all the half-truths, partial lies, and often nonsensical advice I see all over the internet in our increasingly insane world.
If you long for that one person to create a family with, and shelter from the madness of other people, creating an oasis of family, love, and mutual companionship that makes the idea of growing old fun and interesting, instead of dreaded and lonely, then, read this book and learn the lessons that will help you avoid all the metaphorical mortar fire, machine-gun strafing, and bayonet charges of modern dating life, which I discovered only through a mixture of insane optimism and bloody-mindedness, by repeatedly being the proverbial fool that rushed in where Angels fear to tread.”