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The Road Map to Surviving and Thriving in a divorce

This course is designed to give you all the tools you need to navigate your divorce or separation. You will learn about the processes you need to navigate and what kind of things you need to sort out.

You'll understand more about grief and the impact this has on you, and can have on communication.

You will then learn about the four essential pillars of effective communication - what I call the 4 Cs. These are the tools to enable you and your ex-partner to have productive discussions (when needed) about issues you need to resolve. We'll also talk about WHY it's important to be able to have these discussions (which I completely understand that you may hate having to have).

What the heck do I need to sort out?

So many people tell me (somewhat apologetically) that they don't really know what they should be doing following their separation. Why on earth would you? No one teaches you about divorce and separation at any stage in life. You are left to navigate this yourself if you end up in this situation and it's often a lottery whether the support you've found is helpful or not. This course is designed to skill you up at a pace that's right for you so you can understand the decisions you need to make and the steps you need to take.

It's not just legal or financial

You may have found that a lot of resources go on about the legals and the financials and yes there are some things you will need to give some thought to. It is difficult to understand the law at the best of times and trying to get to grips with things when you feel grief stricken and emotional is virtually impossible. So I talk about the grief process and taking time to heal. Most divorce related issues are about making workable arrangements that feel OK for the people involved. Most people aren't going to be testing any legal boundaries you'll be relieved to hear.

Getting the tools you need

Sorting out separation related issues is not just about the practical realities. It's also about managing the emotions and learning how to navigate the new world of being co-parents and not romantic partners. This can be a lot of trial and error. This course covers all of these and gives you the tools you need to shape the next chapter.

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