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Detox your Toxic Workplace

The savvy Professional’s guide to handling the Toxic Boss or Colleague with Confidence

Dealing with a difficult boss or colleague whose conduct is unacceptable is tough.

But do find yourself wondering if that person is really difficult or plain toxic?

The nonsensical conversations, ad hominem attacks, misrepresentations, deception, lack of taking responsibility for their actions, defensiveness, back-stabbing, condescension, and sarcasm is exhausting.

You’re not sure but you have started to notice a difference in yourself. So have your close friends & family.

Does this sound familiar?

  • You’re perpetually on a short fuse, taking out your frustrations on others or maybe, you’ve withdrawn into yourself.
  • Your confidence and self-esteem have taken a knock
  • You're wondering if you are the problem?
  • You’re thinking maybe you are incompetent.
  • You want to quit the job but scared nobody will hire you. So, you stay and lose a bit of yourself and your confidence every day.

I can relate because I’ve experienced both a toxic boss AND working with a toxic colleague! (Fortunately in different organizations.)

I know what it’s like to put in your best work and then have it torn to shreds. Sometimes in front of one’s team and sometimes very subtly with the words and remarks used.

I thought the boss was difficult but when I broke into a cold sweat and breathlessness in a fully air-conditioned office after one of those ‘feedback meetings’, I knew something else was going on.

My family doctor suggested I take an appointment with a cardiologist he knew. 

That was a life changing appointment. There was nothing wrong with my heart.

The cardiologist stated in a matter-of-fact way, ‘I feel you’re working in a toxic environment. Can you change your job?

That wasn’t immediately possible but a transfer to another department was. I pursued this option and also learned how to protect myself.

Now I want you to have this protective shield too so that quitting the job is a last-ditch solution.

The first step is knowing what a toxic boss or colleague is and how to identify them.

Only then can you take the second important step of dealing with them.

Here's the honest truth

Toxic people can show up anywhere in your work or personal life.

They can be customers, vendors, staff, colleagues or managers.

Toxic people have specific behaviours which require specific strategies for dealing them.

In this short powerful course, you will

  • learn key strategies, tactics and skills to protect your emotional and psychological well-being,
  • without acquiescing, getting walked on, controlled or dominated,
  • while also getting the job done, efficiently and effectively.


Detox your Toxic Workplace

The savvy professional’s guide to handling the toxic boss or colleague with confidence

The aim of this short course is to build up your confidence, resilience and your ability to take on these professionals without engaging in dirty politics and make leaving the job only a last option.

Detox your toxic workplace course image with smiling woman professional

We’ll go through

  • What a toxic relationship is and 5 signs to help you identify it
  • How to tell if your boss or colleague is toxic and how to deal with them
  • Extra guidance on dealing with Toxic Leadership
  • Checklists, worksheets and tip sheets to ensure you have all the guidance you need

All you need to do is take action!

Dealing with toxic people requires inner work to build resilience.

You’re getting 2 bonus resources:

1.   Free Yourself of Toxic Relationships to Boost Your Confidence Worksheet

2.   Breathing, Grounding and getting in touch with your Intuition Exercises

AND a Certificate of Completion!

It's decision time

Will you take decisive action for change or continue being tortured by toxic people?

Protect your well-being and confidence by taking action!


"Vatsala is a wonderful person with whom I have had the pleasure to connect with on a personal and professional level. She is a great listener and has provided me with great advice and inspiration to help me succeed in my future. "

— Barbara Citarella

Course curriculum

Here's something else you need to know

Normally when professionals leave an organization where toxic culture is rampant, they don’t state the obvious and put it down to work life balance.

Maybe it’s because they are worried about repercussions with their future employment prospects or maybe they’re just relieved to be getting out and moving on.

But here’s the thingtoxic workplace culture is a predominant reason for high rates of attrition.

So, I wasn’t surprised when I read a Bloomberg article that clearly stated that toxic workplace culture was a bigger driver than pay in the Great Resignation.

Higher wages are certainly an important factor driving millions of people around the world to quit their jobs.

But an analysis of more than 1.4 million Glassdoor reviews for companies across 38 industries found that company culture is 12.4 times more likely than compensation to predict whether an employee leaves.

This held true for workers in both front-line and so-called knowledge worker jobs”.

Toxic workplace culture was defined by abusive leadership, a cutthroat environment, or discrimination and harassment.

But what if you like the organization you work for and aren't ready to leave until all options are exhausted?

The solution is simple.

You sharpen your skills with

Detox your Toxic Workplace

Protect your well-being and confidence by taking action!
