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Changing Ordinances, Losing Priesthood?

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Joseph Smith taught in various forms that if you change gospel ordinances, you change the priesthood and visa-versa. This teaching is fraught with challenges and, if true, carries a heavy burden of potential consequences -- namely, a loss of priesthood. Considering that most every restoration group has dismissed or changed several gospel ordinances, and considering that Isaiah prophesied this would be the curse of our generation, should we expect grave consequences to follow?

In seeming contradiction, Joseph Smith also prophesied that the priesthood would never be taken from this dispensation. Although the clearest statements promised only that the Aaronic and Melchizedek priesthoods would remain, a strong case can be made that he promised that the apostleship and fullness of the priesthood would remain as well.

Changing Ordinances, Losing Priesthood? examines these difficult conundrums and related queries. Although short, this volume explores historical precedence, dozens of prophesies, and various teachings from modern prophets that unapologetically address these tough issues.

Briney neither promotes a specific restoration group nor does he push the reader for any specific response. Instead, he invites the reader to consider all of the resources carefully before determining what the ultimate meaning of these challenging teachings may be.

What Readers are Saying:

While no formal reviews are published on Amazon yet, one priesthood leader purchased 400 copies for members of his church because, as he said, "The information in this book is so valuable, it ought to be on the bookshelf of every priesthood holder."

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