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IELTS Speaking Strategies By Julia White

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Are you struggling to achieve your IELTS goals in the Speaking component of the IELTS exam?
Are you frustrated with taking the exam again and again and again but without any improvement in your Speaking score?
Are you tired of learning long lists of vocabulary, revising the same old grammar points and staying up late to fit in more study sessions?
Are you running out of time to get the score you need?
Do you need Band 8.0 or higher in the IELTS Speaking test?
Model answers to IELTS Speaking questions appear throughout the course.
This book outlines everything you need to know about the IELTS Speaking Exam. It will help you if you have never taken the IELTS Exam before, or if you have already taken the exam and want to receive a better speaking band score.
This book is a great way to help you successfully increase your IETLS Speaking score. It will help you develop the skills needed for the IELTS Speaking exam.
This book is designed to help you score an 8.0+ band score on the speaking section of the IELTS exam.
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