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Small Town Spectral War Book 2 Going Through HELL

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The story is FREE. If you liked the story and want to pay me for it, please come back and download a second copy then pay what you feel it's worth. 

God bless you and thank you!

-Sparky Goldman

The night Agent Amos Castillo met Connie, the love of his life could be considered dubios at best. He meant well.

He loves her more than he loves himself. When she needed him the most, he was spirited away to an alternate version of Earth overrun by demons.

He's low on power, confused over Connie's behavior, and has found a survivor in the wrecked world that he is obligated to protect and save.

With a horde of demons nipping at his heels; what's an agent of the Kingdom of Heaven supposed to do?
He heads for a familiar place and prays that it exists in that world!
His powers are fading fast. The woman seems to have no combat experience. A pack of relentless canine soul trackers are hot on their heels along with other demons in tow. 

If the place he's heading for does exist, is it possible that something has taken up residence there? Could it be worse than the demons chasing him and the young woman?
Download this story and find out! 

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