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No More Excuses

What is Healing Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a deep level of relaxation and focused concentration to the subconscious mind. Which means that you will feel very relaxed. When you are relaxed Coach Stacy will suggest empowering statements that will help you overcome your limiting self beliefs.

What to expect?

In this Group Session we will start with any questions on the process. Coach Stacy requests that you are in a quite, comfortable, relaxed place. If you can, have headphones on to listen to Coach Stacy. For best results, use another device to play relaxing meditation music in the background. For music ideas you can play nature music on Youtube. The Live Meditations will not play any commercials. After the session Coach Stacy will open up the lines for any questions.



Frequently Asked Questions

Will this session be recorded?

No, the session will not be recorded. That is why it's really important to make sure you are not distracted. Turn your phone on DND and come with an open mind.

What date and time is the session?

The session will be 9/25/22 at 6pm Est on Zoom.

Is it possible to have an individual session?

For sure! Coach Stacy has individual sessions. When you book her session you also get a 1 hour coaching call prior to your healing session. You can book by going to