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Deadly Declaration, Shadow Veil Academy, Book Two Audiobook

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Narrators: Vanessa Moyen

Length: 6 hours and 16 minutes

Listen to sampleĀ here.

Book Synopsis:

Some decisions aren't meant to be easy.

Raegan is back at Shadow Veil Academy, even though it's the last place she wants to be. Her heart is broken, but her rage is even more prominent as she learns just how little has been done to find Malina since she was last there.

When an unexpected visitor arrives at the school, Raegan turns to her dragon side as she searches for the answers she needs to move forward. All the while, thoughts of Enzo's betrayal are never far from her mind, but no matter his reasons, she's not sure she can ever trust him again.

Though, when unforeseen circumstances push them together, ready or not, Raegan has to decide which is more important: Her heart or the chance to figure out just who she really is.

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