Introduction To Affiliate Marketing
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What exactly is affiliate marketing?
Affiliate marketing is a method of earning money online that is "evergreen." Internet marketing strategies and fads come and go, but affiliate marketing is here to stay, and for good reason: there's a lot of money to be made as an affiliate if you know what you're doing - and it's relatively easy to get started.
Because you're reading this report, I'll assume you're familiar with affiliate marketing. If you don't, it's very simple: you promote other people's products using your unique affiliate link (they can be digital or physical products or services), and you get paid a commission whenever someone you referred buys something. The beauty of affiliate marketing is that you don't have to worry about things like product creation or product acquisition.
When you become an affiliate marketer, you don't have to make any investments; simply sign up to receive your affiliate link from the product vendor and you're good to go. Of course, you could spend money promoting your links, but that is entirely optional. Affiliate marketing works because it solves two major issues at once:
1. Product vendors are always looking for new customers, so they hire affiliates to help them find them for free.
2. People who do not have their own products to sell can promote products as affiliates and instantly have something to sell with little effort. Of course, the majority of affiliates are also product vendors, and vice versa. Any successful marketer will have their own products as well as promote others' as an affiliate. However, if you're just getting started, you can start as an affiliate and then progress to creating and selling your own products as you gain experience.
How much money can you make as an affiliate marketer?
Affiliate commissions can range from 1 percent to 100% of the purchase price. Physical products typically pay lower percentage commissions, whereas digital products such as eBooks and courses pay a higher commission. This is simply because the digital vendor has very few costs associated with running their business, allowing them to be more generous with their commissions.
Furthermore, digital vendors frequently have other products within a sales funnel that are far more valuable. They may offer you 100% commissions on the "front-end" product, but it may only sell for $5, whereas their "back-end" product may sell for $97. In this case, they may only offer you 25% commission on the back-end product, or none at all. They're basically using the front-end product to get as many people into their sales funnel as possible, and paying affiliates 100% commission is a big part of that.
How quickly do you receive payment?
Some products offer instant commissions that are deposited directly into your PayPal account as soon as the sale is completed. Other affiliate programs require you to wait until the end of a set period (say, one month) before they pay you anything - and this can include things like refund periods. After all, product vendors don't want to pay you a commission only to have to refund the customer later because they would lose money.
If you're new to affiliate marketing, you may be wondering how product vendors know which affiliate sent them the sale, given that they may have hundreds of affiliates promoting their products. The short answer is that each affiliate is assigned a unique affiliate link (URL). Cookies track these links, so they always know who sent them the sale and when. Cookies can last for months in many cases, so even if you send someone to a vendor's website and they don't make a purchase right away but return three months later and buy something, you'll still get paid. Isn't it cool?
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Affiliate marketing is a method of earning money online that is "evergreen." Internet marketing strategies and fads come and go, but affiliate marketing is here to stay, and for good reason: there's a lot of money to be made as an affiliate if you know what you're doing - and it's relatively easy to get started.
Because you're reading this report, I'll assume you're familiar with affiliate marketing. If you don't, it's very simple: you promote other people's products using your unique affiliate link (they can be digital or physical products or services), and you get paid a commission whenever someone you referred buys something. The beauty of affiliate marketing is that you don't have to worry about things like product creation or product acquisition.
When you become an affiliate marketer, you don't have to make any investments; simply sign up to receive your affiliate link from the product vendor and you're good to go. Of course, you could spend money promoting your links, but that is entirely optional. Affiliate marketing works because it solves two major issues at once:
1. Product vendors are always looking for new customers, so they hire affiliates to help them find them for free.
2. People who do not have their own products to sell can promote products as affiliates and instantly have something to sell with little effort. Of course, the majority of affiliates are also product vendors, and vice versa. Any successful marketer will have their own products as well as promote others' as an affiliate. However, if you're just getting started, you can start as an affiliate and then progress to creating and selling your own products as you gain experience.
How much money can you make as an affiliate marketer?
Affiliate commissions can range from 1 percent to 100% of the purchase price. Physical products typically pay lower percentage commissions, whereas digital products such as eBooks and courses pay a higher commission. This is simply because the digital vendor has very few costs associated with running their business, allowing them to be more generous with their commissions.
Furthermore, digital vendors frequently have other products within a sales funnel that are far more valuable. They may offer you 100% commissions on the "front-end" product, but it may only sell for $5, whereas their "back-end" product may sell for $97. In this case, they may only offer you 25% commission on the back-end product, or none at all. They're basically using the front-end product to get as many people into their sales funnel as possible, and paying affiliates 100% commission is a big part of that.
How quickly do you receive payment?
Some products offer instant commissions that are deposited directly into your PayPal account as soon as the sale is completed. Other affiliate programs require you to wait until the end of a set period (say, one month) before they pay you anything - and this can include things like refund periods. After all, product vendors don't want to pay you a commission only to have to refund the customer later because they would lose money.
If you're new to affiliate marketing, you may be wondering how product vendors know which affiliate sent them the sale, given that they may have hundreds of affiliates promoting their products. The short answer is that each affiliate is assigned a unique affiliate link (URL). Cookies track these links, so they always know who sent them the sale and when. Cookies can last for months in many cases, so even if you send someone to a vendor's website and they don't make a purchase right away but return three months later and buy something, you'll still get paid. Isn't it cool?
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