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eBay Dropshipping

Digital Consultancy and Services offers apprenticeship programs for #newbies who want to work as an eCommerce VA/Seller or Freelancing Virtual Assistant in the comfort of home.

How does it work?

You will watch English pre-recorded video tutorials on our DCS website. Then, you will do the actual training with coaching and guidance to enhance the skills that you have watched from video lessons and become a successful eBay Virtual Assistant.

If you are looking for a career or business from home. This program is perfect for you!

Benefits of working from home:

  • You get to work at home, or anywhere you choose
  • You are the boss
  • You decide on the number of hours you want to work
  • Your working hours are flexible. No more 9-5
  • You decide on the rates you’d like to charge
  • You can choose who you want to work with
  • You meet amazing people from all over the world

Training Coverage

  • Understanding of E-commerce
  • What is Dropshipping
  • eBay store navigation
  • Popularity Sort
  • Product Research using Zik Analytics 
  • Product Research using Aliexpress, CJDropshipping and Banggod
  • Suppliers to use
  • How to avoid VERO
  • Different Tools in listing
  • Web Seller Guru
  • Seller Champ
  • Order fulfillment
  • Customer Service

Training Includes:

  • You will be trained in the US marketplace
  • 1-year access to the DCS website
  • Certificate of Completion
  • You can have lifetime support from the trainers
  • And the opportunity to join our FREE “TRIAL TO HIRING” with our selected international clients to possibly get hired!!

Choose a pricing plan

eBay Dropshipping Program


Course curriculum