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GOLDEN BRAIN DNA -Abundance Shift

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Week 8 of the BRAIN DETOX Membership on ZOOM. I have been shown to offer a Quantum Shift - Golden Brain & DNA Clearing to help shift the ‘illusion of suffering, loss, financial hardship – Lack of Financial Prosperity which sits in the Quantum Brain & DNA Fields. I think ALL OF US are affected by $ in relation to our reality at the moment!!! We will be clearing the following, but not limited to.

• DISSOLVING ILLUSION - suffering, - loss, - financial hardship.

• ACTIVATING our DNA/GENEOME to prosperity consciousness

• Clearing Brain Neurons – anxiety, suffering, lack, financial stress

• Quantum Shift clearing emotional/mental programming for Medical Intuitive Card/body part

We are all connected to ‘abundance’ through a frequency shift.

• DISSOLVE THE ILLUSION of Lack of Financial prosperity,

• Illusion of Financial Hardship

• DNA STRAND clearing with A SPIRAL OF GRACE - Angelic

• ALLOWS Loves presence to flow through your GENETIC LINEAGE – DNA. To release all your financial struggles and worries.

• Let us ILLUMINATE our Financial Abundance Genome – “I illuminate my genome of prosperity.

• Angels of Abundance Oracle Card Readings for those on the call, if time permits 😊






5. PAST LIFE PAUPER – genetic memory

6. GOLD BRAIN INFUSION for Mental Anxiety – Suffering.

7.QUANTUM SHIFT for 1 x MEDICAL INTUITIVE CARD –Body part to be revealed on the night. this card will represent a dimensional aspect of the brain and mental body (patterns) to clear for this group. I will be doing a Quantum Shift process for that body part.


DETOXING MAY OCCUR: From my own personal experience, just for you to be aware after the clearing you may feel, tiredness, dizzy, woozy, unbalanced, spacy, sweaty, nausea, headache, neckache, jaw ache, nausea (fear releasing) Please drink plenty of water after the clearing. This may last up to 3 hours,

Also in the next 1-7 days after your session, you may feel tiredness, irritation, emotional, moody, feeling disconnected from people/things, have bad dreams (definite mind/psyche clearing taking place) May take 2-3 days of integration.

The price of this clearing, reflects its continued, transformative healing properties that can be repeated when you need it to provide more energy clearing.


1."The clearing definitely went back lifetimes. I felt like I was so heavy and body was jerky as it released"


2."It was amazing. A powerful Goddess – the voice of another ‘being’ came in and you were talking with a different accent. I felt so heavy when you were clearing the genetic programmes. My head was heavy and dizzy and exhausted at different times throughout the session. I have a vague recollection of being a pauper child wearing rags and being very very dirty and terribly sad, maybe starving. I can't quite remember" 😕

3."This class was amazing! It was a powerful Activation – I saw my ancestors and erasing of memory of not having abundance in many incarnations. I saw it clearing the subconscious of the lack poverty consciousness and belief. It was a definite frequency alignment to prosperity and golden angelic light" 

4."Such a powerful activation and clearing from our BRAIN NEURON and DNA! I could see our AURAS completely clear of all the negative programming, it felt like a blast of light cleansed it. I was spaced out for a while. It took 2 days before I/my brain came back! I definitely felt different like a big shift had taken place. Very grateful to the Golden Quantum Angels"

5."When we did the DNA/Ancestral clearing of lack programming, I saw my DNA as blackened and damaged. With the amazing golden light you weaved through the DNA I saw it repaired and multiplied! Yes I agree it was a ‘Financial Genome Alignment” 

LEGAL: My Brain energy clearings are for entertainment purposes only.

DISCLAIMER - I, Vanessa Eagleton, Pathogen Whisperer of Pathogen Healing Services & Pathogen Healing Group, do not provide medical diagnosis, or consultations related to health, medical, dental or psychiatric issues. I am not a medical doctor and have had no formal training in psychology or medicine.- I work solely with your own unique energy frequency and your body's energetic patterns to identify the energetic signatures & strengths of the pathogens that you may carry, not the physical body which is the domain of the medical field and other allied health care professionals.

Remote Pathogen Healings Services and any other energy healing I incorporate into your clearings, cannot be used as a substitute for professional licensed, medical, psychiatric advice or care. If you are seeking a diagnosis or treatment, please see your doctor for professional advice and treatment before making any health decision.

Any information, stories, examples, feedback or testimonials presented on any websites, emails, social media pages or groups do not constitute a warranty, guarantee, or prediction regarding the outcome of a treatment with Pathogen Healing Services.

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