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Dear Daughter: what I wish I'd known at your age

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The perfect gift from a loving parent to their independently-minded teenage daughter.

Especially for daughters preparing for, or already attending college or university.

Packed with must-have, practical information, relevant advice and inspirational wisdom, this book is for all open-minded teens and young women who want to lead a genuinely happy life.

Includes: what every teen and young woman needs to know about being a 21st century woman, looking after yourself, improving the relationship you have with yourself; being genuinely happy in life with self-confidence, self-esteem and a healthy attitude, relationships with others (friends and frenemies), how to understand guys, spotting (and avoiding) the dangerous ones, what no one tells you about marriage and divorce, the secret 'rules' in the workplace, what the rich know about money, the poor don't, making better decisions, understanding risk and building a solid personal and professional reputation.The advice in this ebook will help build your confidence, feel much better about yourself and inspire you to become the woman you are meant to be.

Pre-publication reader reviews

"A wonderful guide to all things feminine… it's about me and every other girl/woman in the world who has doubts, insecurities and feels disconnected… factual and insightful…a must have for every teenage girl/woman… the section on self-esteem and feeling better about yourself helped me …a great book for young women … reading this book, my outlook on life will change for the better. I learned so many valuable life lessons. I will certainly be recommending this book to many of my friends… finished it last night feeling completely in love with myself and my body … It shocked me how much of the book I could relate to … I liked how there was a mix of the females and then the perspective from the author …Very nicely written accessible and smart, the language is understandable and draws you in… really useful, especially the things on money and jobs … I'd never normally read self help books but this was actually very interesting and had some useful information about being happy with yourself …Thorough, caring, non-patronizing …a real eye-opener …Loved the emotional aspects in the book…I like the writing style … nice to see someone of the older generation writing for and to younger generations. A must-read for girls becoming women…This book is really amazing."

"I had the pleasure of reading Roy's book close after it came out. I was so taken and utterly impressed by it that I ordered two more as graduation gifts for two of my best friends. The book gives you a lot to think about but also leaves you with that 'feel good' positive feeling, knowing that you now possess some inside secret tools to help you on the road towards building a healthy self-esteem and happiness." Madalina Marincas

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