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The Big Idea -Position Your Products & Services to Profit

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Discover Your next big idea and present it to your audience with confidence and clarity.  From physical products; T-Shirts, skin care, health & wellness, etc to digital products, ebooks, digital courses, webinars, and services.  Pretty much anything you can think of and everything in between. 

No more creating a product and throwing it online waiting for someone to buy it, only to be met with little to no interest, or even worse NO SALES!  It's not the product or the service that's the problem, its the way you positioned it in front of your audience   

This workbook will guide you through the process of outlining the value of your offer.  When you effectively communicate the purpose of your product and appeal to your audience's purchase trigger you'll hit the target every time.

You Will Discover:

  • Why your audience needs or wants your product or service
  • The objective of the product or service
  • The outcome your audience can expect from your product or service 
  • How to get your audience to TAKE ACTION now!
  • How to properly price your product or service so you stop undervaluing your work

... and so much more.  

Stop spinning your wheels, throwing spaghetti on the ceiling hoping it will stick. 

Download Discover Your Big Idea NOW and position your products and service to have a big impact on your audience and your bank account.

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