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The Animal Olympics

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The Animal Olympics

Zara Zebra, Oliver Owl, and Lola Lion were the best of friends, always seeking new adventures in the enchanting animal kingdom they called home. One sunny day, they stumbled upon a magnificent poster that caught their attention. It read, "Animal Olympics: Showcasing Your Unique Talents!" Excitedly, the trio decided to participate in the event, each showcasing their exceptional abilities – Zara's speed, Oliver's wisdom, and Lola's strength. As the Animal Olympics began, Zara stepped onto the track, her black and white stripes glistening in the spotlight. The crowd cheered as she sprinted with lightning speed, leaving her competitors in a blur of dust. "Go, Zara, go!" Oliver hooted from the stands, proud of his friend. Zara's determination and perseverance led her to victory, and the gold medal adorned her neck, shimmering like the summer sun.

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