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Summary of the book Artificial Intelligence Compatible with Humans: So that machines do not impose their control over the world The Author: Stuart Russell

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Why does artificial intelligence raise human fears? why do companies nowadays seek to control artificial intelligence? What if AI is misused? are there restrictions for AI?

You will find the answers to the previous questions in the Summary of the book Artificial Intelligence Compatible with Humans: So that machines do not impose their control over the world

The Author: Stuart Russell

In the middle of the last century, we tried to imitate human intelligence, emulate it and make machines that resemble it, and now, artificial intelligence and intelligent machines have become a manifestation of our industrial civilization, and all companies nowadays seek to dominate this field. This field will certainly dominate our future, artificial intelligence will surpass the ability of humans, and there is a possibility that it will control our choices and decisions, so what will we do if this happens in the future?

Who this book is for (summary):

For those interested in the future of technology. 

For students and workers in the field of artificial intelligence.

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