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Protopresbyter Michael Pomazansky Orthodox Dogmatic Theology

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Translated and Edited by Hieromonk Seraphim Rose
A. The sources of Christian doctrine
The concern of the Church for the purity of Christian teaching.
The sources of dogmas.
Sacred Scripture.
Sacred tradition.
The catholic consciousness of the Church.
Dogmas and canons.
The works of the Holy Fathers.
The truths of faith in the Divine services.
B. Expositions of Christian teaching
The symbolical books.
Dogmatic systems.
C. Dogmatic Theology
Dogmatics and faith.
Theology, Science and Philosophy.
God in Himself
1. Our knowledge of God
The dogma of faith.
Belief or faith as an attribute of the soul.
The power of faith.
The source of faith.
The nature of our knowledge of God
The essence of God.
The attributes of God.
Sacred Scripture concerning the attributes of God.
God is Spirit.
Almighty (Omnipotent).
Self-Sufficing and All-Blessed.
The unity of God.
Indications of the Trinity in the Old Testament.
The teaching of the Holy Trinity in the New Testament.
The dogma of the Holy Trinity in the Ancient Church.
The personal attributes of the Divine Persons.
On the procession of the Holy Spirit.
The equality of Divinity of the Persons of the Holy Trinity.
The manner of the world""s creation.
The Oneness of Essence, the Equality of Divinity, and the Equality of Honor of God the Son with God the Father
The equality of honor and the Divinity of the Holy Spirit.
Transition to the Second Part of Dogmatic Theology.
God Manifest in the World
3. God and the Creation
The perfection of the creation.
The Angelic World
Man – the Crown of Creation
4. The Providence of God
God's providence over the world.
God""s providence over man before the fall.
5. Concerning Evil and Sin
Evil and sin in the world.
The fall in the Angelic world; Evil spirits.
Man""s fall into sin
6. God and the salvation of mankind
The economy of our salvation.
The preparation to receive the Saviour
The incarnation of the Son of God
Dogmas concerning the Holy Virgin Mary
The dogma of redemption
The general economy of salvation
The triple ministry of the Lord
The Resurrection of Christ
7. The Church of Christ
The concept of the Church of Christ on earth.
The beginning and purpose of the Church.
The Head of the Church.
The close bond between the Church on earth and the Church in Heaven.
Attributes of the Church
The Church hierarchy
8. The Holy Mysteries or Sacraments
The life of the Church in the Holy Spirit
The Mysteries or Sacraments
The Eucharist
Holy Unction
9. Prayer – as expression of the life of the Church
The spiritual bond of the members of the Church.
Prayers for the dead.
Communion with the Saints.
The outward side of prayer.
The veneration of icons.
The veneration of holy relics.
The path of the Christian
10. Christian Eschatology
The future of the world and mankind.
The fate of man after death.
Addendum On the question of the “Toll-Houses”
Our war is not against flesh and blood.
Here we approach the subject of the toll-houses.
The signs of the Second Coming of the Lord
The second coming of the Son of Man.
The resurrection of the dead
New currents in Russian philosophico-theological thought
The question of dogmatic development.
Philosophy and Theology.
On the religious-philosophical system of Vladimir S. Soloviev.
The teaching of the Wisdom of God in Holy Scripture.
The glorification of Saints
Witness of the Early Church.
Martyrs and Ascetics.
Russian Practice.
Higher authority needed.
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