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Strategic & Tactical Advanced Combat Prayers (eBook)

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Strategic & Tactical Advanced Combat Prayers is a compact, highly formulated prayer Book, containing highly strategized prayer techniques for disarming the powers of witchcraft and other satanic operations working against you.

The prayer format and structure of this book, together with scriptures and a depth of detailed knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of darkness, makes this prayer book a dynamic tool in the hands of a Christian Warrior, and it is truly Heavy Artillery.

It also teaches a Christian the secrets of the hidden astral kingdom of the enemies and exposes their mysterious operations.

Utilizing the powerful name of Y’ahushua the Messiah, and the dominion given to us in scriptures and the Holy Spirit, make us weapons of wars and a battle Axe in the hand of the Most High God. 

In this Book you will learn:

  • Uncommon strategies in spiritual combat, which you can use to develop your own prayer life.
  • You will understand the names of the categories of demons you are fighting within the cosmic and aquatic planes.  
  • You will understand the realms from which your attackers are operating from.

This makes the prayers very potent, detailed, strategic and tactical and dangerous to Witches, Warlocks, Satanists, Demons and fallen Angels.

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Verified Buyer

2 weeks ago


Verified Buyer

1 month ago

I've never seen prayers so deep and so powerful.