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2020 Tahoe PPV

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2020 Tahoe PPV includes - Dual tone siren; custom tuned suspension; braking override (when brakes aplpies, rear ELS will flash red); Scene lighting; traffic director; cruise lighting; alley lights; 1 stage ELS (J x1); Takedowns; detailed interior; realistic tune; detailed vehicle; PBR textured ELS modules.

Keybind List: J (ELS [1 stage]), K (Directional [4 stages]) [ (Alleys & Takedowns) M, , R (Wail), T (Yelp), Y (Priority), H (Manual), F (Airhorn), - (Dual Tone Wail), = (Dual Tone Yelp), spotlight

Developer - Codians

You will get a RBXM (1MB) file

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