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Blood Covenant With Destiny—The Babylonian Talmud, the Jewish Kabbalah, and the Power of Prophecy

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This is the first book to explain the nation of Israel, the Jews, and Judaism, and their relationship to Bible Prophecy and to the end of the world. The Holy Bible tells us very clearly what will be the prophetic destiny of the Jews. Jesus Christ Himself prophesied, and we also have the powerful prophecies of Moses, Elijah, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Daniel, and the Apostles.

Regrettably, today’s Christian teachers do not wish to offend the Jews, and so they prophesy only lies, or else they remain silent. Many are simply ignorant.

What a tragedy! We must not lie merely to please the Jews. Our voices must ring our with clarity and precision. The Jews and Israel must be informed of the dangers inherent in their unfortunate Blood Covenant with Destiny. The night is fast advancing, and we are the Watchmen. We must speak before it is too late.

You will discover in these pages the astonishing word of prophetic truth regarding Israel, the Jews, and Judaism. It is the Power of Prophecy, and it far out rivals the traditions of men found in the Babylonian Talmud and in the Jewish Kabbalah.

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