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If You Need Healing Do These Things

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As A REBELLIOUS teen-ager I ran away from home and did not return until I was carried there and laid on my bed to die. Day after day I hovered between life and death, knowing that tuberculosis was destroying me. I felt alone. I felt utterly lost and that life was passing me by. I said bitter things to my parents. I hated my sickness. I hated the day I came into the world. Every person who has been seriously ill and bedfast for months or years knows this feeling. A rage burns deep within at the forces which have reduced him to this condition. Many laymen and ministers came to my bedside to pray for me. My parents constantly prayed and sought God for me. But I was not reached until somebody spoke just seven little words to me, "Oral, God is going to heal you." This is why I was saved and healed. Someone gave me hope. Someone told me that God was on my side, that He wanted to make me well again. God did heal me! And He commanded me to take this message of deliverance to my generation. During the past two decades our vision has been to minister to the peoples of the world with the goal of seeing them made whole in mind, body and soul. God has told us to go to these millions out beyond the church walls, outside the kingdom of God. They will not come to us, but we go to them daily through the many phases of our worldwide deliverance ministry. Because my ministry has always included praying for the physically ill, most people think that when I use the word "healing" I refer only to the healing of physical sickness. But Jesus looked upon healing as touching the whole man. He taught that when the spirit is out of harmony with God or out of harmony with people, it affects the body. Jesus saw people in disharmony with themselves, with their society, and with God; and He touched them at the point of their need. In this book, you will learn that healing is more than physical. Healing is wholeness. And you will learn the steps to your healing and wholeness. You will learn the rules of faith for your healing and wholeness. If You Need Healing, Do These Things, was the first book to come out of this ministry. More than a million copies have been sold. This is the fourth revised edition and it is still one of our most effectual pieces of literature in helping people to healing and wholeness. I believe, because of my experiences, I can speak to you through this book and as you read and apply its message to your own needs, you can be made every whit whole. 

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