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5 Common Contract Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make and How To Avoid Them

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Contracts are just one service Legacy Legal offers, but it is a big one and some of the mistakes in this ebook are ones our clients have made or were stopped from making.

There are just some mistakes you want to avoid and that includes knowing how to spot them in contracts given to you before you sign. Even if you're legally savvy, it doesn't mean the other person is.

Learn the 5 Most Common Contract Mistakes and How to Avoid Them. It could save you a trip to court and upwards $35,000.

Even if Legacy Legal handles your contracts, it doesn't mean you'll bring every contract to us so we want you to know how to stay safe as you grow your business and sign contracts.

Disclaimer: All sales are final and non-refundable due to the digital nature of the product. Ebook will be delivered to the email address you provide. Double check for accuracy. Always remember, investing with Legacy Legal is a business expense deduction so remember to use your business card to purchase. This is not legal advice and purchase does not create an attorney-client relationship between you, Legacy Legal & Consulting Firm, or any of our attorneys.

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