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Guide to Restoring Your Sexual Response After Menopause

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Unknown techniques post-menopausal women can do to help restore moisture, alleviate pain, and recharge their sex drive!

By Christie Ann

Many women who have passed the age of menopause experience symptoms such as vaginal dryness, pain inside and outside of the vagina, reduction in elasticity, and a loss of sexual desire and response. 

I understand what you are going through and why it’s leading you to avoid, if not give up on, sex.

During the onset of perimenopause at 48 years old, I experienced significant pain during sexual intercourse with my partner. I felt considerable pain from my lack of natural moisture, and because I hadn’t had sex for a while before meeting them, my vagina was dry and tight. I also wasn’t as aroused as I used to be once I stopped my menses, and when I was, it was taking me a long time to achieve an orgasm.

Coupling all of this with day-to-day stress, and a lack of knowledge about what my body was going through and how I could fix it, I felt that it might be hopeless. I got so caught up in other things that I almost gave up on sex.

But I still longed to feel close to my partner. I missed the wild sessions I used to partake in when I was younger, and I still had things I wanted to try.

That’s when I started my journey on learning what was happening to my body, and how I could reverse the ill effects menopause has brought about.

Some women think that once a they have passed menopause,

sex will never be as good at it once was.

There is a pervasive myth that women who have gone through menopause lose the desire for sex. For men who are currently in sexless relationships, the situation only reinforces this false belief, as well as for women who don’t have the knowledge or resources to address the problem.

While all women have different experiences, there is no truth to the myth that because a woman stops her periods, subsequently resulting is less hormones, she will now no longer desire sex and intimacy.

Most of what causes a woman to lose interest in sex after menopause can be combatted with the right knowledge.

For instance:

  • Do you know if you goes without sex for a long time, it can make your vagina lose elasticity which causes pain?
  • Do you know if you goes for sex for a long time, it stops the flow of natural lubrication, again causing pain?
  • Do you know that stress and unresolved conflicts can drastically reduce a your sexual desire?
  • Do you know there are some medical issues that do not present themselves readily, such as fibroids, which can be the cause of your pain during sex?
  • Do you know the top sex positions after menopause that will not only reduce pain, but also make it easier for you to orgasm?
  • What do you do if you discover that you are in a sexless relationship?

These are just a few issues but take heart that all of them can be overcome!

How I Restored My Vagina’s Elasticity, Moisture, and Sexual Response.

Through working with my own medical professionals including a gynecologist and physical therapist, to doing my own research, I found many techniques, products, and secrets that resulted in:

  • Complete restoration of my vaginal cavity’s elasticity with the use of special lubricants, topicals, and devices.
  • Restoration of my natural lubrication to near what it was pre-menopause.
  • Lubricants a woman can help minimize pain and discomfort without affecting her male partner.
  • Activities to do with or without my partner to put me in a sensual state of mind.
  • Medical procedures, both invasive and non-invasive, which can restore the vagina and can eliminate pain.
  • Pelvic exercises that help aid in sexual response.

These are just a few things I did, and the results are outstanding! It’s like I’m 21 years old again down there, and also, in my mind. Where I once couldn’t get excited for sex mentally much less physically, now I am in a place where my body reacts upon the slightest thought of sex!

Want To Have The Best Sex Of Your Life After Menopause?

Here is the secret!

Yes, menopause can spring up various challenges, yet that doesn’t mean you have to deny yourself of having a good and enjoyable sex life. In fact, this is the right time to have and maintain the best and most satisfying sex life.

According to Heather Bartos, a member of HealthyWomen’s Women’s Health Advisory Council and an OB-GYN, “you can enjoy an absolute active sex life perfectly into your 80s and 90s.”



Yes, You Can Get Off and Get Wet, and Have Orgasm After Orgasm Post-Menopause — Here’s How

During my research, I read a lot about a study that says, “later in middle age, we are no more in relationships; we are not concerned about sexual health or orgasm.”

This is far from the truth! If you know the secret, post-menopause is the best time to enjoy sex. If a woman who once did enjoy sex does not appear to enjoy like she once did, there is a reason, and that reason is not that she went through menopause.

What is the reason? Likely there is more than one thing contributing to her decline in sexual enjoyment.

How do you find out all the potential reasons she has lost her desire for sex? Read on!

How Can a Post-Menopausal Woman Get Her Groove Back?

How to get wet after menopause

The first step is educating yourself on what menopause is, the symptoms it causes, and all the various treatments available to you. 

While there is plenty of information about menopause and it’s affect on a women, there is no one single resource that spells out everything in a clean, easy to read format. It is easy to get swamped in too much information that is not relevant to your situation. 

Plus, much of the information is written by medical professionals about menopause, and not someone who has experienced menopause first hand and has tried all the tricks in order to report to others what actually works and what does not.

Once you have educated yourself, you can begin your path to restoring your natural vaginal moisture, restoring your vaginal elasticity, as well as experience increased arousal. You can choose to use methods that you can do at home yourself, or you can make an educated choice to go to the proper medical professionals who can help you when at-home remedies for vaginal dryness fail to reap the results you want.

Finally, you once you fully understand what is going on with your body and what needs to be done to not only restore your delicate vaginal tissues, you can begin to use this information to plan a dialogue with your husband or boyfriend to begin educating him on how he can best support you. And if you run into any communication problems, I also address the topic of relationship therapy to assist you with working together.

Here are some topics you can help educate you may not be aware of:

  • Over-the-counter products that restore the lining of your vagina, allowing natural moisture to seep through.
  • Medical products that can be purchased by consumers that help eliminate pain and tone up vaginal and pelvic muscles.
  • Topicals that help ease pain and discomfort, allowing you to focus on pleasure.
  • OTC Lubricants made especially for post-menopausal women.
  • New ways to get her stimulated through touch, toys, and play.
  • Sensual activities you can do together with your partner, and some you can do alone, that will heighten your senses and allow arousal to come much easier.
  • How emotional issues can be contributing to painful sex, and how these can be overcome.
  • Physical procedures you can discuss with her doctor that may help alleviate pain.
  • When and how to get professional help from a therapist.

 Introducing... “Restoring Your Sexual Response After Menopause"

In less than two hours, you could be putting to practice my step-by-step guide to get your post-menopause partner a relaxing orgasm unlike she’s ever experienced before. 

Below Are Examples Of What This Resource Will Reveal To You:

You’ll learn…

  • What exactly changes when a woman goes through menopause
  • Reasons why some women lose interest in sex after menopause
  • How to use heat, and what items to heat up, to excite and engorge your private parts.
  • How to stimulate special zones that will make your special canal flow like a river.
  • Special lubes that deter and even eliminate pain and discomfort.
  • 12 sex positions that reduce pain and allow you to control the pace and achieve orgasm easier.
  • How to rejuvenate a tight, dry vagina.
  • Different types of lubes made specifically for post-menopausal women, and the best ones to use for your specific needs.
  • "Mild" activities and ideas to trigger your sexual response.
  • "Spicy" activities and ideas to trigger your sexual response.

  • Massage techniques that will relax your vagina and stimulate your natural lubricants to flow.
  • How to make yourself feel at ease with trying new "risque" and non-conventional sexual activities and techniques
  • 31 erogenous zones to touch and tickle, that are sure to rev up and lubricate your engine like never before!
  • Women dealing with emotional issues lose interest in sex; use this guide to help get to the bottom of the cause, whether directly related to your relationship or not.
  • Modern adult toys and how to use them to stimulate and relax your entire body
  • Using erotic visuals to enhance your mood.
  • How to communicate your need for your support, understanding, and empathy, and how patience on your partners part can pay off.
  • How using role-play activities can help you discover sides to her sexuality you never knew existed before.
  • Potential underlying physical ailments and conditions that can be contributing to discomfort, or loss of interest in sex regardless.
  • How the different parts of your er genital anatomy are affected by menopause, giving you a better understanding of why your are experiencing the symptoms you have.
  • Why regular sex is important for your overall health and well-being, both physical and mental.
  • Tips on communication about sexual dysfunction and the relationship issues that stem from it.
  • How relationship therapy and professional relationship help can aid you both.
  • Getting support to deal with how you feel about your relationship.
  • And much much more…

Let Me Introduce Myself And Explain Why You Should Listen To My Advice.

Christie Ann - Author of Can You Get Me Off - Guide to Post-Menopausal Women's Pleasure

Christie Ann – Author of Can You Get Me Off – Guide to Post-Menopausal Women’s Pleasure

I am Christie Ann, a 51-year old sexually active woman who experienced menopause a couple of years before originally publishing this eBook. I studied at the University of Missouri in Kansas City and received a bachelor’s degree in communication. With over 20 years of professional writing experience, my career has spanned a wide range of publications. From eBooks and blog posts to instructional articles for popular websites, IT documentation, and creative writing, I have honed my skills as a versatile writer.

This extensive background has equipped me with the knowledge and expertise to self-publish a self-help eBook. While I do not possess medical or sexual health qualifications, my research and interactions with medical professionals have allowed me to gain valuable insights into my body.

Furthermore, I have invested significant time in researching reputable professional publications to enhance the quality and accuracy of my writing. In addition to my professional writing career, I also engage in a personal pursuit as an adult content creator. As an individual who embraces and celebrates my sexuality, I find joy in sharing my intimate side with others online, within the boundaries of a secure and safe environment.

Through my presence on forums and social networks, I have had the opportunity to engage in private conversations with men and women who are facing challenges in their relationships, specifically regarding a lack of sexual intimacy. It is not uncommon for these difficulties to arise after their wives have experienced menopause.

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