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The Sugar Addict Reset

Break the sugar cycle – A 28 day sugar free self guided course designed to help you curb cravings, build a better relationship with sugar and feel great.

"I felt like I got off the treadmill of chasing a sugar spike and my cravings for sweet food completely disappeared! " Mrs W

Do you get quite hangry and need to eat often?

Does your energy often dip mid afternoon?

Are you a self diagnosed carb addict?

Do you rely on sugar to get you through the day or as a reward to help you when life is tough?

Sugar is one of the most addictive substances in the world. It's hidden in so many or our foods too so it's actually quite hard to avoid. It really isn't very good for our health...but I suspect you knew that already!

From inflammation to haywire hormones, digestive upset to poor mood - sugar is often involved and if you want to have a break from it, this is a perfect reset course.

With this video led course you'll learn what counts as sugar, where it is hidden, how to understand how much is in foods, how to work through sugar cravings, how to cope with meals out and lots more!

"I got off the sugar rollercoaster" Ms J

It is a simple to follow and easy to implement self guided program. Simply listen to the videos and work your way through the downloadable workbook. You’ll review current health, set goals and learn how to plan your foods to avoid the cravings. The workbook is also full of energy boosting, tasty, sugar free recipes so that you can still enjoy foods but without the reliance on the white stuff!


I personally understand sugar addiction. I am an utter chocoholic and have been for as long as I can remember. It makes you feel low on energy, a bit grumpy and your skin looks dull too.....but breaking the cycle is hard work when you are so tired that all you want is some more sugar to perk you up!

But I am living proof that you can be sugar free - for a few days, a few weeks or even a few months!

So, I’ve done all the hard work and planning for you from my experience and trial and error. You just need to follow the process and rules and start seeing your energy rise and the fog lifting. You’ll potentially shift weight and see your skin and mood improve too. 

I’m a registered Nutritional Therapist with almost 10 years’ experience of helping people just like you and me. This course uses the latest science and the recipes given are nutritious, easy to cook and balanced


Once purchased you can start it whenever you are ready. You’ll have ongoing access to the content and you can do this reset as many times as you choose. Simply listen to the videos and download the workbook and recipes to your phone, computer or print it out!

100% of people would recommend this short course!


I’m vegan / vegetarian. Is this course suitable?

Yes! The recipes provided have plenty of options that are suitable for both vegan and vegetarian diets

I cannot tolerate gluten or dairy. Is this course suitable?

Yes! The recipes provided can all be adapted to compensate for dairy, gluten and nut free options

Will I have to buy lots of weird ingredients?

No – the recipes are all pretty normal. You might need to buy in a few new things but they are all affordable and readily available

Who is this course for?

This course is for men and women who are looking to improve their health and are willing to commit to making some small to medium sized changes. You are likely to be generally well but might have a few health niggles, need more energy and perhaps have some weight to shift.

Who SHOULD NOT do this course?

Anyone who is underweight, has an active or a history of disordered eating should not sign up to this course. Anyone who has a health condition that requires a specialised diet should not sign up to this course. If you are concerned about making changes to your diet or are worried about your health then please see your GP. Contact and we can discuss if this course is suitable for you.

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Sugar Addict Reset - Self guided course
