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SACRED HAWAIIAN MEDITATION - Create The Reality You Want to Live NOW (Guided Meditation & E-book)

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Are you feeling frustrated, anxious, exhausted, discouraged?

These symptoms are not random, a profound silent transformation is underway now, in all sectors of our existence.

If you notice, you will see that all the bases that make up our life and society: institutions, models, governments, values, finances, health, family, companies, education are in total bankruptcy.

What we see are endless conflicts, polarization, power battles, immorality, unbridled selfishness, materialism and destruction everywhere.

However, this all has a meaning: the reformulation of our structures as life on Earth, as human beings. It's as if you're tired of living in your house, it's falling apart, due to your own carelessness and lack of proper maintenance, then there comes a time when you realize that you need to change, that you need to completely transform everything you've lived in until today, so you are faced with the question: should I renovate or tear down everything and build a much healthier, smarter, more welcoming, loving, enlightened, happy, peaceful house where I can feel increasingly happier and free, sharing these changes with others, with people who are important to me?

Well, to get to this point it is necessary to go through some stages of this process until you can fully enjoy all these benefits. The stage we are in now is that of demolition, everything will be dirty, broken, in pieces, but if you know that this is just one of the stages you will be able to reach the final goal, which is to live the way you truly deserve.

So, this meditation will help you to remain calm and peaceful in the most difficult moments and will help you to show your inner power and capacity that have been suppressed until now, with false concepts of weakness, incapacity, victimhood, so that you can finally be your True Self, the best version of yourself and who can radiate this Happiness, Peace and Love to everyone around the world, also helping in this way in the Cleansing of the Crystalline Net that surrounds the earth, which is where all the negativities emitted by human suffering are stored, where all the low vibrations released by TV, by the media, by our destructive thoughts of anger, fear, hatred. It is very important that all of this can be Cleansed and Purified as quickly as possible and you can contribute to this process, emitting your Light of Love, after having done your own self-cleaning.

That's why it's so important to Learn How to Dissolve your Energetic Blocks and False Beliefs to be able to ACTIVATE THE SACRED KEY WITHIN YOU and thus HAPPINESS, which is your True Essence, returns to flow freely making you fully enjoy LIFE.

This Meditation is a Set of Powerful Techniques based on the Wisdom of the Hawaiian Kahunas (Shamans).

In 9 Simple and Easy Steps you will learn how to Reset Blocks and Limiting Beliefs in your Mind, Body and Spirit, releasing the Creative Energy that has been dammed by emotional and mental traumas.

Here are some benefits:

- Clears Bad Feelings and Low Vibrations
- Protects you against attacks from Negative Frequencies
- Reduces Anxiety, Depression
- Increases Psychic Health and Abilities (Prosperity, Intuition, Materialization, etc.)
- Harmonizes Relationships and Purifies Environments
- Increases Mental Clarity and Energy

What will you learn here?

- Reset Emotional, Spiritual and Mental imbalance
- Synchronize your Heart and Mind with the Center of the Sun and the Center of the Earth
- Turn on and Activate your Inner Light
- Raise your Vibrational Frequency in accordance with the Laws of Nature
- Align and Energize your Chakras
- Use Crystals to Harmonize your Energy and much more

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Aloha (I share my heart and my love with you) πŸ€™πŸŒΊπŸŒžπŸŒ»πŸ€™
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