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How to Become a Full-time Direct Hire Mover

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How to Become a Full-time Direct Hire Mover

No matter how you're getting/paying for leads currently, it's literally like giving someone a percentage of your organization without them sharing in the Losses. Whether they're earning their percentage or not, it should always be your goal to earn incoming leads! You're more valuable off the marketplaces, and the lead companies! Once you get off those sites and out of that situation the only person you're really competing against is yourself. You still have competition, but you're as valuable as your incoming leads view you! Here is a breakdown of what I cover in this guide:

  1. How to multiply your current efforts
  2. Networking/Spreading the word(In-Person)
  3. I leave you with a few resources to check out.
  4. Social Media
  5. Sales Tips with examples

These are the are the key points that I go in depth about to give you the blue print to get out there and start planting seeds. That's what marketing is all about...planting seeds everywhere, hoping, but not watching them grow, and planting so many seeds that you don't get frustrated that a specific see that felt good doesn't grow. I also layout a fe resources that can help, and I explain how I can help you in a 1 on 1 coaching/consulting fashion.

Come back and let me know how this guide helps you hit the goals that you've set!

If you don't have goals, start there, and be specific

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