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Empowering Birth: A Journey Through Spiritual & Practical Wisdom with Nickita Starck

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Nickita Starck, PHA Ambassador for Pregnancy and Birth, is founder of When Push Comes To Shove – the fastest growing alternative maternity structure in the world. WPCTS is an EBE award nominated organisation dedicated to empowering women while working closely with The PHA. This comprehensive workshop serves as a gateway to understanding maternal health during pregnancy, unraveling surprising insights into preventing common pregnancy complications such as pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes, and placental abruption. 


Explore the multifaceted reasons behind traumatic births and discover effective strategies to minimise both physical and emotional birth trauma. Furthermore, the workshop will illuminate the critical subject of human rights in pregnancy. Learn about your entitlements to care, the right to decline treatment, holistic

alternatives to common medication and how to effectively navigate bureaucratic systems to uphold your autonomy and rights. 


This workshop is an essential journey for anyone looking to enrich their knowledge and prepare for a positive pregnancy and birth experience. This is not just for pregnant women, we all know mothers, we all have mothers and we all have a chance to empower and inform in this journey to an awakened world.


Due to the content and work that has gone into producing this workshop, we are suggesting a donation of £5 for access to the ebook and recording. However, as both PHA and Nickita believe in access for all, we encourage people to pay what they can afford if unable to pay the

full suggested donation amount of £5.


Nickita and the PHA Education team would love to hear your thoughts about the workshop. If you would like to share your feedback, please email


If you know anyone that might benefit from the information shared in this workshop, please do share this link as they will be available to view the recording indefinitely: 


You can contact Nickita here:

You will get the following files:
  • PDF (3MB)
  • MP4 (513MB)