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Your Tanzanian Guide - Secrets from the locals

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This is your Tanzanian Guide with secrets from the locals! Plan your trip to Tanzania with our digital Guide. Do you want an amazing trip with all the local secrets, hidden spots & beautiful places to see? You don’t want to miss any wonderful place in Tanzania & Zanzibar? And you want all the important informations about traveling to Tanzania + Zanzibar?

Here it is: Your Tanzanian Guide!

It will help you to organize your holiday or traveling trip with all what you need to know & this guide shows you all the amazing places in Tanzania. You will find out which areas are safe & amazing to visit, what you need for your Tanzania or Zanzibar-Trip, how to plan, what you need to know for Safaris or Kilimanjaro-Climbs AND SO MUCH MORE!

Everything what you need to know about Tanzania, the culture, the food and the different Areas - you will find it in this Guide. I will share with you all my secrets about my home country, i will give you my connections i have, local tourguides and any information you need for Tanzania and Zanzibar. I will share all my secrets with you.


ᐅ More than 250 sites with informations and insights

ᐅ Basic informations: Visa, Transport, Currency, Weather, Local People and Tribes, Language & Security Informations

ᐅ A Packing List

ᐅ The best places to visit in Tanzania - Mainland

ᐅ The best places to visit in Zanzibar - Island

ᐅ Other islands around Tanzania

ᐅ Must seen & beautiful places

ᐅ Local secrets for you

ᐅ Local Tourguides, Tours & direct contacts

ᐅ Safari & Nationalpark Informations

ᐅ Secret & hidden spots

ᐅ How to plan your trip

ᐅ Good to know: Hotels & Accommodation

ᐅ Tanzanian Food & my favorite Restaurants in Tanzania and Zanzibar

ᐅ Tanzanian History

ᐅ My personal Story and how i grew up

ᐅ Projects for Orphans & Streetkids

This Guide will show you everything what you need to know before you visit Tanzania. You will get amazing insights & secrets which will make your Adventure unforgettable. I promise you.

Another important thing: with buying your Tanzanian Guide you are supporting 18 Orphans and Streetkids in my homevillage Melela, Morogoro. You are very welcome to visit us and the @tanzanianorphans (IG) anytime! More informations you will find in the Guide.

I am Isaya ( @masai_isa IG), a Masai from Tanzania, and i will give you all informations and advices you need for your trip to Tanzania. Karibu! You are welcome.

Thank you for your support.

God bless you.

Asante sana.

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