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Ultimate Action

Unlock Your Potential in Just 6 Weeks

Are You Ready to Break Through the Barriers Holding You Back?

Ultimate Action, is a transformative 6-week experience designed to help you identify and eliminate the roadblocks that are standing between you and your goals.

This isn’t just about thinking positively—you must take action to see real, tangible results.

Who Is This Program For?

  • You! If you’ve been feeling stuck or held back by fear, doubt, or limiting beliefs.
  • You! If you’re ready to take control of your life, shift your mindset, and step into your full potential.
  • You! If you’ve tried other methods without success and are ready for a personalised, results-driven approach.

What You’ll Achieve in 6 Weeks

Identify and Eliminate Your Roadblocks: Through our deep-dive sessions, we’ll uncover the subconscious beliefs holding you back and shift them so that they no longer control your actions or outcomes.

Create a Personalised Action Plan: After clearing your subconscious blocks, we’ll develop a step-by-step plan to take immediate, effective action toward your goals. This is about doing the work that gets you actual results.

Build Unshakeable Confidence: By the end of our 6 weeks together, you’ll not only have a new mindset, but you’ll also have the confidence to keep moving forward. You’ll learn to trust your abilities and take bold steps toward your dreams.

Achieve Tangible Results: Ultimate Action is designed to deliver real, measurable progress. Whether you’re facing challenges being seen launching a product or service, or simply trying to get unstuck, you’ll see the results of your hard work.

What’s Included

  1. 6 Weekly 1:1 Sessions: These intensive sessions are where the magic happens. We’ll dig deep, identify your limiting beliefs, and use subconscious methods to overcome them.
  2. Personalised Action Plan: After each session, you’ll receive a session outcome detailing what we went over and an outline of what we will do next so that you don't have to remember all of the little details.
  3. Ongoing Support: You’re not in this alone. Throughout the 6 weeks, I’ll be available for support, encouragement, and guidance via WhatsApp or Instagram to ensure you stay on track.
  4. Accountability Check-Ins: We’ll regularly check in to make sure you’re staying accountable and following through on your action plan items. Accountability is key to success, and I’m here to keep you moving forward.

Why Choose Ultimate Action?

  • Proven Techniques: The methods used in Ultimate Action are grounded in years of experience, combining hypnotic mindset shifts with practical, actionable steps.
  • Tailored to You: This isn’t a one-size-fits-all program. Everything is personalised to your specific needs, goals, and challenges.
  • Fast Results: In just 6 weeks, you’ll experience a transformation that might have otherwise taken years. This is about achieving your goals—fast.

Here's a review from my latest client

Vanessa Krug

I've been attending weekly hypnotherapy sessions with Paula for the past month, and I can't recommend her program enough.

Paula's sessions have been incredibly impactful, helping me gain confidence in social media marketing.

The barriers I once faced with filming and recording myself have completely transformed. Now, I feel at ease creating social media content to promote myself and my business.

Paula's program has truly made a significant difference in my professional journey.

Thanks Paula🙏🏽

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per month for 2 months